Fighting COVID-19

The SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic is causing disruption at home and worldwide. Our team is contributing to the fight against it by strictly observing all government lockdown and health policies. During this time, our offices will be closed, but our team will continue working uninterrupted remotely.

All our face-to-face meetings are cancelled and replaced with teleconferencing only. All our workshops with clients will go ahead at their scheduled times via teleconferencing also. Our offices will remain closed for the duration of the lockdown period - until we are given a clear green light to re-open.

Because we have invested heavily into remote-work processes over the last 5 years, we are able to continue working unaffected. While our team is noticing some changes initially due to the relatively sudden lockdown, we are well prepared for this, and we expect to be in a business-as-usual state from Thursday March 26th onwards.

We invite our clients, friends, families, whanau and the wider community to look out for each other - especially those most vulnerable during this difficult time. The reality of a full lockdown will take some getting used to, but we take comfort in knowing that our actions will save lives.